Mike's NBC-TV stories

Talk to a doc via phone or video

With so much emphasis on social distancing in light of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak, it can leave a lot of questions about what to do if you start to feel sick.

One option that many people appear to be choosing is a virtual doctor’s visit via numerous apps that provide almost instant access to a doctor for a relatively small fee, as PC Mike Wendland reports.

Teladoc connects you with a board-certified doctor 24/7/ via phone or video. Teladoc physicians can diagnose, recommend treatment and prescribe medication, for many medical issues, including sore throat and stuffy nose, cold and flu symptoms, and respiratory infection. The app is free for iOS and Android, with costs for connecting with a doc dependent on insurance and other factors.

Doctor On Demand allows users to connect face-to-face with a doctor through video on your smartphone or tablet. Doctor On Demand works with or without insurance and is available at reduced rates through many major health plans and large employers. Providers are licensed, board-certified and U.S.-based. The app is free for iOS and Android, with costs for connecting with a doc dependent on insurance and other factors.

MDLive offers virtual doctor visits with board-certified physicians from wherever you are, whenever you want.  Users can schedule an non-emergency appointment at a time and day that’s convenient or have an on-demand visit in around 15 minutes.  The app is free for iOS and Android, though there are costs for connecting with a doc dependent on insurance and other factors.

Mike is a veteran journalist whose video "PC Mike" reports have been distributed weekly to all 215 NBC-TV stations since 1994, making him one of the most experienced tech reporters in the country. His tech stories and videos have appeared on MSNBC, CNBC, the Today Show, The New York Times, USA Today and in numerous national newspapers and magazines. In addition to the PC Mike tech blog, he also publishes the Roadtreking.com RV Travel Blog in which he travels North America in an RV reporting about interesting people and places.