Mike's NBC-TV stories

Apps to make you happy

Winter can leave people feeling tired, run down, and just plain crabby.

However, there are apps that can help turn that frown upside down — and a whole lot more —  as PC Mike Wendland reports.

The app called Happify includes games and activities proven effective in helping users become happier and more optimistic. Set goals in different “tracks” of your life, such as helping you improve your confidence. Activities are often as simple as asking you to list things you are grateful for or noticing positive words in a game and avoiding negative ones. The app is free for iOS and Android with premium features available for purchase.

Live Happy is all about positive psychology. It offers a specific focus on activities that can bring about more positive feelings, and also offers up podcasts of best-selling authors and happiness gurus who share their knowledge on topics such as wellness, gratitude, well-being and mindfulness. The app is free for iOS and Android.

Think Up teaches positive affirmations to embrace. You can set them to music and be reminded to focus on them, tracking the number of positive thoughts you’ve listened to during your day. It trains your brain to focus on positive thoughts throughout the day making you… happy  The app is free for iOS and Android.

Mike is a veteran journalist whose video "PC Mike" reports have been distributed weekly to all 215 NBC-TV stations since 1994, making him one of the most experienced tech reporters in the country. His tech stories and videos have appeared on MSNBC, CNBC, the Today Show, The New York Times, USA Today and in numerous national newspapers and magazines. In addition to the PC Mike tech blog, he also publishes the Roadtreking.com RV Travel Blog in which he travels North America in an RV reporting about interesting people and places.