Best organizing and note taking apps
“The Cloud” has changed a lot about the way we use computers and applications for our mobile devices but perhaps nowhere as much as in the way we keep track of things and organize our documents and notes. Here are my favorite two tools for remembering everything he needs to remember in his digital world.
Hands down, Evernote has long been the best tool for keeping track of things you don’t want to forget. But these days, the best has gotten better with new tools and helps that work on computers and mobile devices on the Apple, Android and Kindle platforms. Now there are a slew of companion apps that can add on to its functionality. It’s still free but organizes and syncs documents, pdfs, images and web clippings across all your computers and all your devices.
Yet Evernote can be pretty complex. That’s where a rival app called Simplenote comes in. Like its name implies, it takes a bare bones simplified approach to organizing textual materials. It’s fast, also automatically syncs with all devices and platforms via The Cloud but offers the ease of being… well… simple. You just use it…and it works.