The Latest and Greatest in To-Do Apps
Whether planning a hectic holiday season, or looking to get a better handle on daily activities in 2017, a to-do list is a must.
There are some pretty advanced to-do list apps that can help you get and stay on track.
Todoist adds and manages tasks on-the-go from any device. It’s easy to quickly view and prioritize tasks for the day or week to come. Assign due dates to each task, or collaborate share your to-do lists with coworkers, family, or friends. The app is free for iOS and Android with premium services available for purchase.
The app claims to be a “life manager.” Add events and tasks for a day, week, or month and sync seamlessly with your smartphone calendar. Tasks can be added by voice, or email. also lets you attach files via cloud-based services like Dropbox or Google Drive. is free for iOS and Android with premium services available for purchase.
Wunderlist features timed reminders so you don’t miss a task, while also allowing for notes and additional information on each item. The app keeps all to-dos and due dates on the web and synchronized across all your devices. Collaboration is a breeze, too, as Wunderlist lets you share tasks with family, friends and colleagues. The app is free for iOS and Android.