Apps to help care for your baby
Everyone knows there isn’t an instruction manual that comes with a newborn baby, but a number of apps can get parents on the right track, and make sure they stay there.
Glow Baby logs and times all aspects of baby care, from bottle feeding and breastfeeding, to diaper changes, sleep schedules, development milestones, medication, and even growth charts. Create a printout to take to the doctor’s office, if needed. The app provides daily articles and smart advice for a baby’s first year. Grow Baby is free for iOS and Android, with premium features available for purchase.
Feed Baby focuses on tracking everything from feeding types, times, and frequencies to diaper changes and sleeping times. It uses big, easy-to-use buttons so tired parents don’t have to worry about tracking data when half asleep. It organizes all of the information into detailed reports and charts. It’s free for iOS and Android, with premium features available for purchase.
The Kinedu app is designed for those up to 24 months old, providing fun and age-based daily activities aimed at boosting cognitive, linguistic, physical, social, and emotional development. The app suggests more than 1,000 activities, along with plenty of other tips and personalized programs. The app is free for iOS and Android, with a wide range of premium services available for purchase.